Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dharma is love

Meaning of dharma, meaning of karma, and relationship between dharma and karma

In this free-will Universe, each particle (smallest compound), each mind and the Whole - all have their free will, all have their conditioned dynamics, and each have their cognitive space or condition. Condition can be desired or undesired.

Act of free will is what it is - it's a field of desire. As stronger the field, as more stronger it's effect upon everything contained inside field of attention. Desire, therefore, affects the desires around it, and the solution for desire-field translates to will. Will is the force, and everything always happens according to will - we can never say it does not happen according to our will, but we can say that we are unable to will what we desire.

Therefore, the study of how to build up better will - will, which more closely meets those desires - is as important as other aspects of growing willpower.

As Universe is a free-will Universe and everything happening here happens because of will, it's important to see, how will is formed.

One and Many

In middle of it all, there is an entity we shall call "One". It's as opposing "one" to "many". We currently agree, that there is One, which is upon everything, and it's omnipresent and omnipotent in means that it's everywhere at the same time and as all the rest is part of it, it's will is all the will. This will has an eternal core - will, which never changes. This core is uncountable - we see it inside every thing, but we also see it as a whole, One upon every thing. Thus, One is actually what we can not count, but the One inside any thing is the same as the One in it's eternal one-ness. This is the core will, which sets up the goal, and all the rest of free will is feeling as good as close it is to the goal at any given moment.

Let's now look at the many. Many are particles, and they form a cosmic hierarchy, of particle families. We shall call those particles souls. Smallest physical particles are the physical particles, but there are also larger particles. Every particle is positioned as "field of attention", and when they have effect upon something, they can turn into point field - as smaller the area of attention, as stronger the effect of it's desire on this area. This area is a field, and this field of each particle weakly covers the entire Universe, but as closer you get to it's point of focus, as stronger it's attention at that point - this is the closest description to reality.

Now, how One relates to some of Many? It relates as the deepest, most fundamental will - and this will is the same for All, but as each of Many has different matrix (and all those Matrixes in total, when added together, give a "White Matrix", which is the matrix of One), and through this different matrix, the "equilibrium states" or solutions to this matrix are also somewhat different.

This means - matrixes are like multidimensional "wavelengths", as it can be seen, which makes it most understandable, what I mean with "White".

What the matrix defines?

Matrix of soul is the ultimate pleasure pattern of that soul. It defines first the rhythyms of this soul, which could go through transformations of it's surroundings, with all kinds of "vibrations", which all are not just sinusoid wavelengths, but complex curves with very different properties, of everything inside the field of it, and as those patterns could partially be called "complexes" (in sense that they form from reactions and complementary reactions, each forming reaction to previous one so that the state of effect of those reactions is always in field of it's near-desired states), but after those complexes are all "solved" into certain energies, created together by particles of souls, which have these energies as their natural energies, it forms a constant pattern, which keeps some of desired state constantly formed, so that the soul can "dance" with others ..and this dance, called "synergy", is what each soul desires, and forming this dance with others is what is called "solving it's karma" - it grows it's soul essence into a knowledge, which allows it to constantly keep it's desires in such states, which form more and more synergy, and this is the ultimate creativity.

There are a few words to be defined to continue:
anergy - this is lack of tao, and lack of energy, and lack of exergy.
energy - this is "work for oneself", which is a force to get surroundings into more desired state. yang.
exergy - this is "serving", which is a force to get itself into more desired state of surroundings. yin.
synergy - this is "the solution", which is energy+exergy, this is the perpetuum mobile, tao.

Perpetuum mobile - Universe itself, as it moves forever, and particle, as it moves forever. Conservation laws forbid perpetuum mobiles, which can constantly give energy away, but they permit the one, which works only inside, keeping itself going and giving nothing away. In reality, it's near-impossible that no energy moves in or out, and here we will also go through that part.

First, some syllables:
an - lack of, without.
en - into oneself.
ex - from oneself.
syn - together (both into and from).
ia (as in energia) - state, condition, act.

The current paradigm is that when we produce anergy in synergistic system, then we can use this release to produce energy in another system, but this is with some losses over producing, transmission and use, thus this paradigm ultimately leads us towards total anergy (in slower or faster manner). But exergy is conditioning system in such way, that it supports surrounding environment and surrounding environment supports that system. Organic systems actually feel good in wind, water, air and other elements of environment - through exergy, they will heal, this means, go into more energetic states. If something is exergetic in such way, outside systems will acutally "heal" or "fix" it, because it's will - it's energy - does not harm them. So the question, energetically, is solving desires of yourself and the surroundings in such way that it creates synergy pattern, and then using your desire to move towards this synergy and to keep it going - this is dharma. As all particles are small souls, finding dharma of them is to mean that energy inside those systems or the effect that they produce energy in their user does not mean anymore producing anergy in some other place, and then it's not self-destruction programme. This is one ultimate way, how karma works - by finding this harmony of desires, solving matrixes together, we can build things, which get stronger and more charged when used. Inside material systems like that, anyone using them will actually go into the system and form a part of it's synergy, and what they carry away, only that part of energy and matter has to be reproduced - all other matter moves inside a "dance", and because synergy transcends energy, no anergy is needed to be produced in any other "system".

Changing paradigm in such way that we won't see energy as something to be "created" and "consumed", but instead we see synergy creation and movement strategies and wisdom to get it constantly higher (and human element inside that infrastructure provides the creativity, because creativity is only resource needed to keep it going and keep it strong even when surroundings change over time and exergy needs to be re-invented). Then, surrounding field, which feels matter inside it from it's cognitive aspect, and inner love between it's particles, and lack of karma, which comes from following dharma - the rules, which guarantee, that system moves from pleasure state to pleasure state, no matter which particles you use for this measurement energy, a particle will form exergy around it, which might produce anergy, and then keep it until discharged; in exergy, a particle will surround to surrounding, until charged with too much negative energy (displeasure) and then using that to force exergy to surroundings again; in synergy, a particles constantly keep the synergy pattern solved, which means that for each particle, there is maximum energy and maximum exergy at the same time, and thus there is no "discharged batteries" - no synergistic matter outside is moved to anergy, state of dischargement, or chaos -, and then it a perpetuum mobile in effect, as our Universe could more strongly be - moving from state of displeasure by different energies (desires) being in tension and struggle, to pleasure of different desires directed to the same pattern at all the time, so that all desires could be one with will.

Matrix, basically, defines the pleasure states, and as the motivating force is the free-will desire, we have to take all pleasure-state solutions to matrix, and build things, where matrices or all souls are constantly solved. Large souls, as soul of Earth or soul of Universe, surround it all, and where they sense this pleasure inside, they start supporting it - this effect is called a good luck. Thus, Universe itself will repair such kind of soul patterns, so that they become stronger when used, and when they lose some molecules, it will come back by karma or be replaced, and particles are probably also replaced with more and more fitting particles, and such kind of pattern is in harmony and state of flow, like a very strong material with enormous amounts of willpower to keep it in this equilibrium, this willpower coming from both inside (through energy, and all matter has constant amount of energy or desire) and outside (through exergy, this outside will is "attracted"). Of course, there can still be other reactions taking place, and other things, which might have incompatible matrices, and those two, where nearby or giving attention to each others, might be weakening this willpower - so, we have to find larger and larger exergy, which is still solvable also through energy, inside synergy, and thus get nearer and nearer to know dharma. Builder of such things is as much alchemist as much that soul is chemist, sociologist, physician or person specialized to whatever field or structural level we are talking about here.

So, just the case that universal law is sum of it's desires, makes it so that dharma is actually building things, which are supported by interdesire, mutual desire. Karma is actually the effect of some soul having different synergy pattern, which will locate cause from your pattern to anergyze it, and then desire your willpower to weaken, and disorient your desire.

Building our technology, we need all it's functionality, but we can build computers in different ways and from different substances as much as we can built houses, mechanical clocks or watermills from different substances. We must find ways to produce all the functionality following dharma, not by breaking it - effectively making all our Earth a better place, and making it's field into more beautiful field, which is supported by more forces, and making it so that mother Earth would support our technology, not be somewhat destructive towards it, and we ourselves would heal using it, not feel the bad fields surrounding it and discharging our health.

This is what I call love of oneself and others, and all the environment - you must focus on solving your matrix at the same time solving the rest, to a degree possible, and this produces a flow into more and more empowered state in case you constantly use your courage, moving your emotion, thought and body from heart.

This is also the social process. Here is what we have to do:
  • Focus on your desire and take it to bare bones, going as deep that you can see it as clearly as possible; find your true desire in it's minimalistic form, and it's all possibilities - the states, the "equation", which is core root of your happiness.
  • Focus on surroundings and take in all their desire, in it's deepest form available to you.
  • Focus on surroundings and parts of their desires, which are not as deep, but which they see as "solutions", and accept them, too - you can solve them only by logic, which is coherent with how they learn, and this might be a slow, but steady process, because every thing has it's own way and you can effectively inspire them only when accepting this way and all the odd things they need to be sure that something really is desirable to them.
  • Now, put those things together - your will and effect of surroundings, take all energy impulses in, because they are all the hints for you, how you should behave. Now, take those two (yin and yang) side by side in your mind, and start at the same time energizing them and keeping them close together. Intensify the energy and also their closeness - like magnets, they might not want to stay together at first. Intensify them to exactly the same level, so that one will not "win" another, them keep energizing, until you feel like energizing one thing, not two; make them closer some moment, your mind will internally find the genuine solution, that indeed, this paradox solves and you can both fully fulfill your true desire and be in flow with surroundings; this will be somewhat "orgasmic" moment. This will last, in this lifetime and in future - you have found a soul matrix solution, which synergizes some aspect of you and surroundings, and thus you have higher synergy with it; as synergy transcends energy, you have more effective energy of yourself, because no tension and counter-desire stops the flow anymore.
  • There is another way, not mind-based and visualized, but all-chakra technique - take all the energy coming in to your body, accept it all, however painful (anyway, you will be sick if taking so much counter-desire that you can't handle it at the end of this healing session), then make your inner force stronger so that you "clean" your chakras; but don't let the "negative energy" go, because this is a desire you are going to synergize ..make the process stronger and stronger, keeping the outside energy (be it "positive" or "negative", "pleasure" or, for example "fear" or "doubt") in, and intensifying your energetic body process to solve it; ultimately you will be clean, energized, and for now on, this energy is much less pain to you - if you learn to do it with that kind of energy, it will soon become pleasure. Your real-world movement will be synchronized with source of this energy, and this source will be synchronized with you. The feeling, which should be utilized, is eternal love, the higher love - or some deeper kind of love, for example, goodwill for everything, because your mission is to make the process of your own be synchronized with the process of other in such way that your deepest desire is completely fulfilled, and their deepest desire is as fulfilled as you can - hopefully completely fulfilled; it can also trigger a flow of events, which will "materialize" this state so that your interactions will lead to complete fulfillment, when you move by heart, if some told-out words or actions are needed in addition to this energetic process (which can, as well, be enough, but usually the synergy adds some nuances to your movement in real world, and to their movements, too).
In synergy-based philosophy we don't need to "conquer", we don't need to "receive" - surroundings will be in sync with you without needing you to keep them in "conquered" state with your yang, but utilizing yin+yang, the tao, you just be in flow and the flow is a pleasure, and as more you advance as greater, stronger, and more purified higher-love state is the flow, and the love can be expressing as hot, powerful burning inside, or soft pleasure, or simple luckiness and inner joy, there are hundreds of forms - actually as many forms as your creativity can build -, but it will indeed all be a pleasure; and building this love, you can feel fear, you can feel many "negative things", but through transforming them, you get higher and higher states - and because you have taken care of exergy, it forms synergy, which is equilibrium state with not much energy needed to not fall back (you must just keep yourself in flow and the process as much as possible).

You enter your dream to the whole, others enter theirs, and the whole will find a solution of all deepest dreams coming true in the same world; keep sure that you also synthesize higher will and will of Earth (wishes of people and will of heaven, as I Ching states that), because then your willpower is ultimately intensified and you intensify the willpower of others, who are in synergy with you. The state of energy will grow, and it will grow into levels you cant imagine; into the levels others will not believe if you tell them! Just pure luck and joy, together with courage, where you are ready to sacrifice yourself - but in Alliance of Love, everyone can sacrifice themselves for higher, and this state we all see in everyone, who reached that, and through that, actually the outer force will sacrifice much less of people in that; actually, for the highest love forms, nothing will be sacrificed - because why should the omnipresent force sacrifice any part of itself, which is healthy and feels good, and builds more and more wealth and love around it through endless creativity and powerfully following the tao? You enter your dreams, the synergy matrix will solve it, and your heart and mind will tell you, how to move - you just wish and then move by intuition, and if your desire is in harmony, it's supported; non-harmonious desire is like black magic - you desire, the effect will come for as long as you can keep your desire strong, but eventually it will go down and surroundings will turn it back and try to take measures, on energetic level, so that you would experience some good luck first, but then strong bad luck, a lesson of karma, and disempowerment hard to get over; sometimes, you can't synergize as well - then, you will experience some depression, a solution process, but with good will, eventually solve it and feel more in flow than ever, because you have solved some complex part of karma.

Being experienced, you can go deeper, into collective unconscious (do za-zen with strong desire to know yourself, then you also get to know others and clarify your senses), and solve fears and doubts in it, so that you start inspiring the whole world and may become famous and rich, if you accept it, and definitely you can make some positive change, solving the problems of collective unconsious inside yourself - all those problems are conflicts of interests, or conflicts of interests of humans and harmony of nature, and the method given here, which you can develop further, will be a starting point to really becoming a generator of synergy, the ultimate force. Feeling, which activates the generator and leads it's working in the best way, is love - love for all beings, and shielded love for all beings, which also feel the higher love as strongly, or are moving towards this experience by their strong desire. Once you get to know that, it will be the greatest pleasure you know, and you are ready to do it just for experiencing the process, with all the fears and doubts you take into, and with all the love and synergy you create. Here it's visible, that love is the highest power - it does not generate energy, being dependent on external sources to deplete (force into anergy), but it generates synergy, which transcends energy. Your soul becomes more and more trained, morally trained, and your auric field starts keeping things in order, according to dharma, around you without you even noticing that; and the surrounding reality will give you more and more good luck and hidden possibilities you can sense and step into. It will be a journey - a journey of love and adventure!

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